A monocular can be a great addition to your outdoor gear, perfect for easily observing wildlife, admiring beautiful landscapes or even doing basic astronomy. Right now at Adorama, you can pick up a fantastic deal on one of the most budget-friendly monoculars, the Vortex Solo 10×36, which is currently at its lowest price of the year at just $129.99.
Buy the Vortex Optics Solo 10×36 Waterproof Monocular for $129.99 at Adorama.
The Vortex Optics Solo 10×36 monocular has over 1500+ five-star ratings on Amazon, and in our review of its 8×36 sibling we summed up its performance by saying, “The Vortex Optics monocular is a capable performer with a lightweight, tough design, impressive image clarity and good low-light capabilities.”
The 10x magnification on the Vorex Monocular provides a wide field of view ideal for various outdoor activities, from birdwatching to hiking, allowing users to observe wildlife and landscapes up close.
It also functions well in low light, so it can be used for viewing the night sky with the 36mm objective lens keeping views as bright as possible
Green rubber armor protects the monocular against bumps and knocks as well as a non-slip grip. The Vortex is also Nitrogen-purged and O-ring sealed, making it waterproof and fogproof in any environment.
One of the real highlights for buying though is the unlimited and unconditional lifetime warranty. Vortex promises to repair or replace your item if it becomes damaged/defective. However, it doesn’t cover loss, theft, deliberate damage or cosmetic damage that doesn’t hinder performance.
Key features: 10x magnification, 36mm objective lens, small, lightweight with fully multi-coated lenses. Waterproof and durable.
Product launched: May 2012.
Price history: The current $129.99 deal price is the cheapest this monocular has been this year. Outside of the current deal, the lowest price for this model we’ve seen has been during the Black Friday sales at $119.99.
Price comparison: Amazon: $129.99 | B&H Photo: $129.99
Reviews consensus: We awarded the Vortex Solo 8×36 Monocular 3/5 stars in our review, praising it for its excellent image quality and performance. We also noted its thoughtful design and meticulously crafted and rugged build.
✅ Buy it if: You want a lightweight, easy-to-operate monocular with crisp image quality that’s backed with an unlimited, unconditional and lifetime warranty.
❌ Don’t buy it if: You have a bigger budget and want enhanced optical quality and magnification power. If that’s the case, we’d recommend the Canon Powershot Zoom Digital Monocular — which boasts an 800mm zoom capability and can capture high-quality photos and videos.
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