Just call her Adrienne.
NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams kicked off her mayoral campaign Saturday at a Queens shopping center, showing off campaign posters and other literature emphasizing only her first name – an obvious attempt to distance herself from embattled Mayor Eric Adams.
Campaign posters displaying “Adrienne. Democrat for NYC Mayor” in bold letters were hung throughout the Rochdale Village Shopping Center, where the speaker was greeted by roughly 300 supporters, many who waved them as well.
Her last name was only listed in smaller print at the bottom. Other campaign materials failed to mention it at all.
When asked if she’s purposely focusing on her first name to distance herself from the mayor, the speaker told The Post “You caught on to that, didn’t you? It’s Adrienne for the people.”
A campaign insider confirmed the name game is to make sure voters don’t think she has any relation to her political rival.
The one-time ally of the mayor is now among his most staunch critics, joining with the Council’s far-left faction to champion NYC’s controversial sanctuary city status.
She has claimed Adams wants to cooperate with President Donald Trump on immigration and other policy matters to avoid prosecution on federal corruption charges – something the mayor adamantly denies.
The speaker’s campaign kickoff failed to attract two prominent black elected leaders in her home borough, who’s support she’ll likely need to have any shot winning a heavily contested Democratic primary: Queens Democratic Party Boss and Rep. Gregory Meeks, and Borough President Donovan Richards.