It was an artificial endorsement. 

A Michigan Republican congressional candidate backtracked Friday after initially apologizing for a video featuring an artificial intelligence-created voiceover of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that appeared on his TikTok account. 

The recreated voice of the slain civil rights leader endorses Anthony Hudson to represent Michigan’s 8th Congressional District in the since-deleted social media post, which spoofs King’s iconic 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech.

“I have another dream. Yes, it is me, Martin Luther King,” the AI voiceover states in the bizarre video. “I came back from the dead to say something.”

“As I was saying, I have another dream that Anthony Hudson will be Michigan’s 8th District’s next congressman. Yes, I have a dream again. OK, now I am going back to where I came from, goodbye,” the disturbing deep fake goes on, before Hudon’s voice comes on to say, “I approve this message.” 

Hudson, an Army veteran and owner of a small trucking business, claims he had nothing to do with the remarkably poor decision. 

“A volunteer gave my social media credentials to one of his friends who then posted an AI video without my knowledge,” Hudson wrote on X. “It appears that they not only used AI for MLK Jr.’s voice but also with my voice to make it appear more authentic.”  

“The volunteer has been released and all my social media credentials have been updated,” he added. “I would have NEVER approved such a STUPID and DISRESPECTFUL video!” 

Hudson, however, appeared to have a change of heart, hours after his initial apology. 

“Upon further review of the MLK video in question, I decided to not only not keep my campaign staffer, but also give him a raise as I believe MLK would be disgusted at the complete suffering of Flint Michigan residents under the current administration’s watch,” he wrote on X.  

“If MLK were alive today – I do believe he would endorse me and my vision for a better Michigan,” Hudson argued. 

The Post has reached out to Hudson’s campaign for comment. 

Hudson, who abandoned a longshot presidential campaign earlier this year, is among three Republicans competing in the Aug. 6 Michigan GOP primary. 

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) announced last year that he would not seek a seventh term as the Great Lake State’s 8th district representative in Congress, leaving the race wide open in 2024.


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