This is a different kind of spritz.

Fashionistas have revealed the ultimate hack from eliminating odors on clothes without having to throw them in the wash or haul them to the dry cleaner.

Katie Patz, the founder of the Florida-based boutique Little Sister, revealed her unusual trick for neutralizing smells: vodka.

“All you need to do is take a spray bottle, put a little vodka in it,” she explained in a viral TikTok video, calling the hack a “lifesaver.”

“Spray the inside of your sweater in the area that you might need help in.”

She recommended this hack for those who “struggle with different scents,” claiming that the boozy spritz will keep clothes “fresh and long-lasting” when on long trips or between wears in the closet.

“I have tried EVERYTHING and this is the only thing that truly works,” she added in the caption.

In the comments, Patz said that the vodka spray helped with smells on thrifted garments as well as workout apparel, although she advised steering clear of delicate fabrics like cashmere.

While some people worried they’d smell like they’ve been drinking all day, the hack has been recommended by experts for years and used in theater departments to keep costumes clean without ruining them in the wash.

“TOTALLY WORKS!!!!! Just a great tip for things difficult to wash. Kills the germs that make things smell!” commented one TikTokker.

“Will I smell like I stumbled home from a night out if I do this or does the vodka smell go away,” joked another.

Patz promised that “once sprayed its very neutral scent” as long as the vodka is unflavored and at least 80 proof.”

“Don’t waste the good stuff!” she quipped in the comments.


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