This is such a buzz kill.

As it turns out, consuming just one alcoholic beverage per day — whether it be a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of your favorite spirit — can shorten your lifespan by approximately two-and-a-half months, one expert asserts

Dr. Tim Stockwell, of the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, told Daily Mail that those who drink significantly more alcohol than that — about 35 beverages a week — could slash a staggering two years off their lifespan.

It’s a rude awakening for those who might like to unwind with a glass of pinot after a long day, or who frequent happy hours with friends or colleagues.

“Alcohol is our favorite recreational drug. We use it for pleasure and relaxation, and the last thing we want to hear is that it causes any harm,” he said. “It’s comforting to think that drinking is good for our health, but unfortunately, it’s based on poor science.”

Unfortunately, according to the doc, no amount of alcohol is safe for boozers — and his claims are backed up by science.

Recent research has shown that alcohol consumption could increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease and more, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC, over 20,000 people succumb to alcohol-related cancers every year in the US, where “moderate” drinking is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Last year, Ireland became the first country to pass a bill requiring alcohol bottles to be labeled with health warnings, while Canada revised its health guidelines that recommended drinks to avoid consuming more than two drinks per week.

Stockwell’s own research has found a link between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality, which directly contrasts the widely held belief that just a little bit of booze can be beneficial for health.

While red wine has been long-believed to be good for your heart in moderation, that is not necessarily the case, as some research has found the opposite to be true.

“Being able to drink is a sign you are still healthy, not the cause of being in good health,” Stockwell said. “There are lots of ways these studies give false results that are misinterpreted to mean alcohol is good for you.”


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