There are a lot of things that make it unbelievably cool to have two baseball teams in town. It’s always been the case: All the Subway Series of the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s, and the one that brought it all back in 2000 — and the hint of seeing another one at some point in the future.
That one’s ours alone. The White Sox and Cubs met in 1906, but it’s been a while since anyone who witnessed it was alive and eager to share the memory. The Cardinals and the Browns met in 1944, but there was a war going on, and even baseball wasn’t a total diversion from the grim realities elsewhere on the planet.
A’s-Giants in 1989? Forget the earthquake that shattered it. Try to tell citizens of Oakland that they’re in the same city — or planet — as San Francisco, see what happens then.
No. The Subway Series belongs to us. And so do the arguments, the very best arguments. And they always have gone something like this: